
July 26, 2024
The Pious, the Underpaid (and Desperate), and the (truly) Hypocritical

Now, who are the Bad Guys, again? The "Why" of the Late Prohibition Era in Puget Sound, WA Oh, bad guys. Villains. They make a story so interesting, especially when those doing the dirty deeds are supposed to be the good guys. My story, Welcome to Cottage Bay, begins along the shores of a mythical […]

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May 10, 2024
Mother's Day - Surviving to Thriving

My mother passed away a few years ago. I’ve marked a few Mothers’ Days without her. Or not, really.  I was without her for so many years, before she died. But I get ahead of myself. Let me rewind. As we draw closer to Mother’s Day, everyone likes to deify mamas. Hell, I’m a mama, […]

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October 22, 2023
My son is in Marine Corps Boot Camp

Like many other students, my son finished high school and attended college through the COVID pandemic. Earlier this year, he neared graduation from our local community college and was about to earn top honors for his achievements. He was poised to matriculate to a four-year university this past fall – and was planning to earn […]

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September 23, 2023
Make a Plan

I’ve told a LOT of stories that start with loss. That’s the point. Loss is both an ending and a beginning. That concept is so important to remember, let’s say it again:  Loss is both an ending and a beginning. As you adjust to grieving about the loss – typically one of life’s Big Three […]

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June 11, 2023
No Regrets: Caregiving 101...Tracy Cram Perkins' Dementia Home Care

Dementia Home Care: How to Prepare Before, During, and After Caregiving a loved one who's dying...with No Regrets I was an early entrant into the Sandwich Generation. When my dad was wheeled off an airplane to me, he was very ill. At that moment, I was unceremoniously dropped smack-dab between caring for my sick and […]

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March 16, 2023
Tourists Get Nine Lives

So, in a former life, I spent a month in Central America spanning the Y2K New Year. Honduras, to be exact. When I first arrived, I traveled from the airport in a Chevy passenger van driven by a crazy Honduran driver who passed other crazy drivers on blind curves at over 60 miles per hour. […]

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January 10, 2023
Never underestimate the power of a question

The positive energy of questions help us evolve into our authentic selves. As a recovering pleaser, I’ve spent a LOT of time figuring out what really matters to me. And, also what doesn’t. There was a time I twisted myself into an emotional pretzel just to get approval, love, some imaginary measure of success. Yeah, […]

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December 30, 2022
Your very best magic comes from LOVE

The origin of Zero Fuck Fridays I am a recovering pleaser. I swear, to actual G-O-D, I should wear a “HELLO, my name is…” sticker that says “Jacquie Goodwill, Recovering Pleaser” on it. Oh, the road to here was a long and messy one. I mark ‘then’ and ‘now’ and how far I’ve come in […]

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December 25, 2022
Dutch Apple Crisp Pie*

*omg This is a recipe that was inspired by eating a Dutch apple pie that I didn’t like so much and immediately thereafter eating an apple crisp that I enjoyed very, very much. Oh YUM. So, I challenged myself. Try topping that! And, I did, with the apple crisp topping subbed for the one called […]

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December 24, 2022

aka, The Importance of Giving Zero F@cks* *absolutely NONE Hello, my name is [INSERT NAME HERE, typically mine] and I am a recovering pleaseaholic. Oh yeah. The reasons why come from a long history of being taught love gets doled out based on what one does, rather than just being – and while I’ve worked […]

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October 24, 2022
The Power of 'Choice' . . .

It’s that easy. It’s my choice. I choose to LOVE myself and feel GOOD. One morning, my guides came to visit as I slept. They reminded me to trust. I had been carrying a burden not meant for me. Caring for everyone else. Careworn and worried about the past, present, and future. My own spirit […]

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September 27, 2022
It’s going to be a BIG day!

Not your typical ghost story... Cue the ethereal moaning and roiling fog. Yeah. No. You can have your headless horseman and gnarled-handed specter. Tis the season, yet this ghost story is the stuff of legend. No disembodied voices from my disarming visitor. It starts at an old hotel in the days leading up to Halloween. […]

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September 24, 2022
He just traced it!

A Goodwill Story about one’s just desserts So, when I was in college, I learned early on that a hallowed sorority sister tradition is to attend Fraternity dances. One of my friends from my pledge class was dating a Sigma Alpha Super God and I was kinda dating another, so those guys all got together […]

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September 23, 2022
EJ Frost’s Demon Lover: Neon Blue and Blood Yellow

A good book is one that we enjoy. Every rare, magical, once-in-a-while, a story grabs us with its talons, and flies us away to distant places, discovering endless possibilities. We emerge with a specific insight that shifts our way of thinking about ourselves and our daily lives. Wow! That is supremely true with EJ Frost’s […]

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August 5, 2022
The ROFHMA Society Glossary

This is a group of women who have seen some shit and done some shit and have worked their shit out (for the most part). Our pledge is "I promise to each and every sister that I will base our friendship on love, joy, and shenanigans. Alcohol may or may not be involved." Coffee and/or […]

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July 5, 2022
Spandex is a Privilege...not a right!

A memory and lesson from one of my southern girlfriends. So, as a much younger ‘me’ I lived in the south. Of the YOU-nited States of ‘Merica. Hahaha. Good Law-hoard, I learned a lot from my neighbors and true bluest girlfriends. From my dear sister-from-another-mister, my next door neighbor, Teresa, I learned the truth that […]

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July 5, 2022
Fanning the Flames -- Tia Fanning's "Rules of" series

Swept into the Rules of Darkness and the Rules of Fire Okay, let’s get one thing straight, right now!  Author Tia Fanning is a magnificent storyteller! Her break-out two-part series includes strict rules for each character’s survival – and evolution. These were such captivating and engaging reads, from the first moment when we are introduced […]

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July 5, 2022

Along with all the others, there’s also a birthday season! It’s probably due to the people we are drawn toward. For me, birthday season is typically in late June and early July, as well as from late August through all of September. Feels like every day I’m checking my calendar to remind myself who to […]

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July 5, 2022
Margie Mack’s Life Chronicles

Mermaids, angels, and music -- the magic of life Through the Woods and My Ship has Sails Author Margie Mack is a gifted mentor, family leader, and social media influencer who has inspired and guided people throughout her life. Her two autobiographies detail an idyllic childhood in McHenry, Illinois and also her formidable but important […]

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June 16, 2022
The Driver

A Racing Fable There once was a race car driver who tore up the track and won every race he entered. He left dust in his trail, along with every other car that challenged him. He was quite the champion. He was all fire and strength and speed with a touch of magic behind the […]

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November 11, 2021
The Magnificent, Magical King

A fable for grown-ups and kids, alike. Once upon a time there lived a magnificent magical king. He came from a long line of them and no one could quite remember when this royal line had acquired their magic. But it was there, nonetheless, after several generations. This magnificent, magical king ruled his happy kingdom […]

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October 23, 2021
When the veil thins

Those of you who know me, know how much I take note of my dreams. They are a specific source of encouragement and inspiration. I love dreaming, whether while I sleep at night or during my sacred nap time. I let my mind and my imagination take flight in ways that the laws of physics […]

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September 21, 2021
Common Ground…On a Pitcher’s Mound

The importance of creating connection and common ground to inspire, encourage, and comfort others I’ve been writing stories just about my whole life. When I can’t sleep, I’ll work out dialogue or a chapter in my head and it busies that part of my brain enough so I can drift off. Every once in a […]

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August 26, 2021
Janet McJudgerson

A fable...about our inner critic. I once knew a girl, not thin and not tall. How she’ll be remembered—not that way, at all. Janet McJudgerson, with her lemony face. All pinched up and pious and with nary a trace of love or compassion but I’ll never tell since all of my life I knew her […]

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July 8, 2021
The Four Pillars

A truism about the foundation for a lasting partnership in love and life. When I was a much younger “me,” I was blessed by a wise woman; a mentor and friend, named “Becky.”* We met on a summer evening at one of our community concerts and I think we just recognized a kindred spirit in […]

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June 22, 2021
This Too Shall Pass

Recovering after the sudden death of your soulmate. In my travels and my career, I’ve been blessed to be alongside a strange fraternity of souls.  Membership is by initiation, only, and that is by losing a beloved, in a shocking, sudden, and catastrophic event.  The wisest among them, a parent who lost a child in […]

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June 7, 2021
Lobster Girl: Confidence, courage & compassion amid cancer

Confidence -- Courage -- Compassion. One woman's journey:  A cancer diagnosis during the COVID pandemic Rhiannon* is a beaut’ from New Jersey; she’s another friend I was blessed to meet via social media during the COVID pandemic.  It’s true that birds of a feather flock together, even virtually.  One of our twin interests brought us […]

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February 7, 2021
The Sixth Language of Love: One of life’s truisms

Several years ago, author and pastor, Gary Chapman, released his book and teaching series, The Five Love Languages.  It was all the rage. I took the quiz, read the book, and tried like crazy to fit myself into one or another category. The closest I came was to finally throw my hands up and decide […]

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February 7, 2021
Seattle, Prohibition, the Great Depression and the Smith Tower

The more I thought of Rose Nicovich and her hundreds of whisky barrels, the more I wondered what life in Puget Sound was like during the waning days of Prohibition just as the Great Depression got underway. I’d never written a historical fiction and romance before, so I figured I better figure it out.  Historical […]

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February 6, 2021
A Truism: FIVE things for Caregivers to DO

Speaking from personal experience, caring for someone you love who is living with a devastating injury or illness is both personally fulfilling and exhausting. At no other time in your life is it more important to figure out what honors yourself and your important role as a caregiver. For me, my caregiver role at the […]

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January 31, 2021
The Matador & the Bull -- A Fable

Once upon a time, a man woke to find himself in a dark and squalid place. It was a dreadful prison. How he got there and what happened before, the man did not know. When sorrowful wailing from the other prisoners quelled, sometimes he dreamt of blue skies and fair, salty sea breezes on his […]

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January 31, 2021
Merry Christmas

While I was growing up, my father was completely at a loss of how to handle my more-than-a-little crazy mother.  So, when I was five years old, he dropped us at mom’s childhood home along the shore of Dyes Inlet in Puget Sound.  Then he became a super commuter. To-and-from Chicago, Illinois.  In the 1970’s. […]

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January 4, 2021
Samuel Circles the Globe

Samuel's Excursions... ...were what the words said in the sign reading "Pilut 4 hyr." "I'll show you adventure, I'll show you the world. You see, I'm a top-rated flyer. First, we'll see jungles, the Congo and more, We'll have tea with Gorillas I know. Then, next the savannah, a safari and tour. On the necks […]

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January 4, 2021
Chapter 1

Chelsea... I was once blessed to be loved completely and totally by a brown-eyed, bear-faced, honey-headed dog named Chelsea. She was a husky mix of dubious parentage and our unlikely love story began before I actually became her dog mom. When she died, I was so broken-hearted that I wrote a tribute to her that […]

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January 4, 2021

The Hunt... A man and his dog were walking along a road. The man was enjoying the scenery when it suddenly occurred to him that he was dead. He remembered dying, and that the dog walking beside him had been dead for years. He wondered where the road was leading them. After a while, they […]

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January 4, 2021
Chapter 1 - Never Judge a Book By its Cover

The gravel made a companionable, earthy crunch as Rose walked from Cottage Bay’s library in the early spring twilight. Just before a secluded forest area along her homeward route, she passed the row of small rental cottages. For the past two weeks, there stood the big man from Chicago. What was his name?  Tommy, Toby, […]

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January 4, 2021

The Second Black Tuesday of the Year “Set it down wherever Rose says it should go,” Sanja Nicovich called down the stairs. Sanja deemed the red velvet sofa too out of place for their front room.  Her husband, Sebastijan, usually called “Seb”, and her brother-in-law, Tomo, were pressed into service to stow it in the […]

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